Guys aren't always open with their feelings, but there are times when he needs to know he's loved. Maybe he's having an off day, or maybe you just want another way to say, "I love you!" The hug is one of the best ways to let him know you care!
Hugs aren't like kisses. They don't require you to perform, or be on your game. It's a simple, but yet memorable way to show you care.
Hugs aren't like kisses. They don't require you to perform, or be on your game. It's a simple, but yet memorable way to show you care.
- Romantic hugs don't happen after you've just done an hour long work out. Shower and smell nice. You are going to be next to him for a long time so you don't want how you smell to push him away.
- Smelling also goes for your breath. Make sure it's clean. Chewing gum works, but don't chew it like a cow. That ruins the mood.
- Last but not least, hugging can lead to some phenomenal kissing.
- After you've master the basic romantic hug, try a few of these.
- Pull him closer and closer until you are flat against him. Yes this is a very strong pull. Don't stay in this position forever, but it's a good way to intensify the hug for a few seconds.
- Squeeze him tighter and tighter.
- Rest your head against his chest.
- Run your hands down his neck and spine.
- Trace circles with your fingertips.
- Rub his back. Start giving him a little back massage.
- Run your fingers gently down his back to his hip line. (Be careful with this one. If you hands go near his hip line, you may just end up turning him on. If you want to do that then use this at will, otherwise watch your hands a little.)
- Run two fingers slowly along the back waistband of his pants through his shirt (this works better for standing-up hugs). If both of you are still comfortable at this point, push his shirt up gently until you can touch the skin above his waistband. (Same warning as above. Are you trying to turn him on?)
- Enjoy the moment--don't rush through it.
- Don't be afraid to ask him if he likes what you are doing, ask him what he likes & whether you should intensify or soften your hug!