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Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Friday, October 7, 2011
What do you want out of your personal life? Do you just want one short-term relationship after another? Are you waiting for the right guy to come along? Well even if he does you probably won't even know it.
Outlined below are the exact steps you need to make yourself into a vibrant, interesting, fun person; help attract the man of your dreams; and help him commit to you. Please be patient and receptive. Even if some ideas are "old news" to you, you will certainly learn a thing or two by the time you finish reading! Make sure you do not dismiss these ideas off hand. Each one of these steps have been done by many, many women before you successfully. Give each tip at least 1-2 months of HONEST effort before dismissing it. There are mainly three ways how a man chooses a particular woman, these are: preset preferences, desire for you, and/or feelings for you (woman). How does one get one or two of these?
- Ask him what he wants out of life.
- How does he plan on accomplishing those goals?
- What is he going to do to accomplish those goals?
- Do his goals fit in with your goals?
- Read the book "Men are from Mars / Women are from Venus" together. The name sounds lame, but it is a very enlightening book.
- Use every opportunity you get to learn more about him.
- Resources: Internet authors: Christian Carter; Rori Raye; Carol Allen.
- Resources: Books: "Why Men Love Bitches," by Sherry Argov.
- Read the book: "Secrets of the Ultimate Husband Hunter: How to Attract Men, Enjoy Dating and Recognize the Love of Your Life" by Nancy Nichols
More about → Tips On How to Get the Right Man
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Guys come and go just like girl friends do. So if one catches your eye, make sure you can snag him. The hot guys usually are hard to get but you have to be confident so you can get his attention. You go!
- Never take your friends with you, when you are trying to impress a boy!,
- Never act as if you're better than him, or that he's completely out of your league, and try not to look desperate. Be yourself.
- Use good hygiene, and look presentable: brush your teeth, shampoo your hair, avoid food stains.
- Avoid being clingy - if you'd be annoyed by someone texting you every ten minutes or keeping their arm fixed around your waist, don't do it to him.
- Act and dress in your comfort zone. Guys notice when you are uncomfortable.
- If he starts to like you, play it cool. Don't get all excited telling everyone.
- Be his friend. If he doesn't accept you as a friend, your relationship won't work well. Offer advice and be there for him.
- Don't play "hard to get." This might send a wrong message and stop him from being interested. But give him space.
- If he happens to have a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, be careful. Try to become friends with the girl, so that you won't have her eyeballing you every time you talk to him. 'If this is a girlfriend and not an ex, tread lightly when flirting with him.'
- If you are already friends, but not best friends, try asking him to a movie and if he says yes then try to sit next to him. If he tries putting his arm around you, don't freak out, this means he likes you, so move in a little bit more and put your head on his shoulder.
- Don't call him that night or the next morning. At least wait a day and a half, 'unless' he tells you when to call.
- If he asks for your number (and you just met) give him your cell-phone number. (Don't ever give him your home phone number! Your cell is easier to get to. Besides, you don't him accidentally calling your parents when he thinks you're home, do you?)
- If you're already best friends (for a long period of time) then ask him about his ideal girlfriend. Just don't say it in a prodding "I wanna know what you like in a woman" way. Say something like "who's the best looking actress you've seen?" When he answers, ask why. That will` give you a good idea of what he likes in a woman.
- Try to go beyond being a friend so he'll be able to think of you beyond that.
- When you are with him flirt by laughing at any jokes EVEN if they are not funny
- Give him a gentle but beautiful smile, bite your lip, and look down.
- Try tilting your head slightly to the side. And crossing your legs towards him.
- Don't cross your arms or be so stiff. Relax.
- Eye contact is the best way to draw his attention; if one of you catches the other staring, try to hold his gaze for a second or two. Look down and flick your eyes up at him. One more trick is to hold his gaze, flick your eyes away quickly, then slowly look back.
- Try to build trust with him. That way, you'll both be less worried about cheating or other relationship pitfalls.
- Don't become too scared. Confidence, confidence, confidence!
- Make sure one of your friends doesn't like him; this causes trouble for you getting him, and more importantly, drama between you and your friend. Take it up with her.
- Don't dramatize everything in life. A guy likes someone calm and collected. Funny and all that yeah, but not exaggerated. Thats fake.
- Remember the big things. Remember things such as his birthday. He'll think you really care about him and will know you're interested.
- Don't follow the guy around too much! That will lead the guy to the impression that you're stalking him. You're goal is to get the guy to come to you. If you don't back away from him, he will back away from you.
More about → Tips On How to Act Around a Guy You Like
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It may seen difficult to get an emo girlfriend, yet it actually isn't too hard if you know how to do it. Follow these steps to increase your chance of winning an emo girl over.
- Know the popular bands and music.
- Emo girls love romantic guys. What kinds of guys do you think are in the novels and poems they read and write? Good gift ideas once you're dating are black roses, handwritten love poems with quotes from their favorite songs, it's all good.
- Don't be a jerk! Emos hate people like that. They'd rather date a shy and modest quiet guy than a loud and obnoxious guy who everyone thinks is sooooo cool.
- Don't be afraid to show your emotions. Don't just start crying for no reason but if you hide your emotions and don't talk about how you feel, you'll never make it with an emo girl. After all emo is short for emotional.
- Sometimes if you like a girl, you feel shy towards them. It's ok to feel shy, But don't avoid them, or make large detours to avoid them. Its obvious why...
More about → Tips On How to Get an Emo Girlfriend
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Kenny Rogers met a cute waitress at a diner, and then married her. If you meet a waitress that you would like to take out on a date, do not hesitate because she just might be the girl of your dreams.
- Get to know her, and make sure she knows you! Waitresses are hit on a lot, and while they're always friendly about it, they probably will turn you down if they don't know you well.
- Try to be clever. She's been talking about the weather all day. Try to talk about something you think may be genuinely interesting.
- Leave your number on a 20 pound note, or include it in a note you've written on a napkin. If this doesn't work, you'll save yourself from potential embarrassment, and if it does, she might give you a call. This does not lead to you getting married.
- Don't stand up and walk towards her; it may become awkward as she may go to move one way at the same time as you do and you will be stuck in the hallway.
- When writing a note to her, use a clean napkin.
More about → Tips On How to Ask a Waitress Out
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Although a large segment of society focuses on rape where the perpetrator is a stranger, the majority of rape cases involve a victim who was previously acquainted with the perpetrator. Rapists plan their attacks in advance, and are looking for opportunities to assault victims. No victim nor any manual/guideline can prevent rape, as it is solely the crime of the perpetrator, but there are some general precautions that can be implemented.
- Trust your instincts! If you feel uncomfortable in any way DO NOT TRY TO NORMALIZE IT! Tell your date you are sick and about to vomit, or get out of the situation some way. Never doubt your instincts or say you are misjudging him/her. Many look back and realize they had uncomfortable feelings before something bad happened.
- Keep your wits about you- stay sober.
- Go to parties with a sober friend or a designated observer who is not drinking, who can watch and protect you.
- Always carry your own car keys to get away and use as weapons.
- Bring emergency cash for a cab ride home and don't spend it. You may need it for other situations, like being dumped on the roadside or something. If in a foreign country, always possess the name, front desk phone number and your hotel address, (but never your room number) written in a language the cabbie will know. Leave information about where you'll be, with whom, and when you should return to your room- and how someone might find you.
- If you absolutely must, disable a would-be-rapist so that you can escape (see related wikiHows).
- Be cautious of large punch bowls or drinks served by others as drugs are easily slipped into them.
- Open your drinks yourself, and don't share drinks.
- If they have any sexually oriented items that make you feel uncomfortable, don't say anything. Just get out of there!
- Don't go out with strangers.
- Call your parents if you are stranded somewhere- or a friend who will help. What's the worst thing you parents can do compared to being raped, killed, or any other unfortunate things? Never feel that you can't call a parent or a close friend.
- Place several people that love you and would answer and respond to your calls on speed dial. Then, if you are ever in a compromising situation, just hit one number and call without anyone knowing.
- If the worst should happen, get to the nearest emergency room immediately. Do not bathe, change your clothes or wait until morning. This could compromise or destroy evidence that you were raped and make it much more difficult for the authorities to build a case against your assailant. Physical evidence is your greatest weapon against the person who hurt you.
- Do not wait to tell someone what happened to you. Do so immediately. It can be extremely painful to recount the incident so soon after it happened, but the longer you wait, the greater the danger of it becoming a "he said/she said" situation, especially if your assailant is famous or well-respected in the community.
More about → Tips On How to Prevent Date Rape