Although a large segment of society focuses on rape where the perpetrator is a stranger, the majority of rape cases involve a victim who was previously acquainted with the perpetrator. Rapists plan their attacks in advance, and are looking for opportunities to assault victims. No victim nor any manual/guideline can prevent rape, as it is solely the crime of the perpetrator, but there are some general precautions that can be implemented.
- Trust your instincts! If you feel uncomfortable in any way DO NOT TRY TO NORMALIZE IT! Tell your date you are sick and about to vomit, or get out of the situation some way. Never doubt your instincts or say you are misjudging him/her. Many look back and realize they had uncomfortable feelings before something bad happened.
- Keep your wits about you- stay sober.
- Go to parties with a sober friend or a designated observer who is not drinking, who can watch and protect you.
- Always carry your own car keys to get away and use as weapons.
- Bring emergency cash for a cab ride home and don't spend it. You may need it for other situations, like being dumped on the roadside or something. If in a foreign country, always possess the name, front desk phone number and your hotel address, (but never your room number) written in a language the cabbie will know. Leave information about where you'll be, with whom, and when you should return to your room- and how someone might find you.
- If you absolutely must, disable a would-be-rapist so that you can escape (see related wikiHows).
- Be cautious of large punch bowls or drinks served by others as drugs are easily slipped into them.
- Open your drinks yourself, and don't share drinks.
- If they have any sexually oriented items that make you feel uncomfortable, don't say anything. Just get out of there!
- Don't go out with strangers.
- Call your parents if you are stranded somewhere- or a friend who will help. What's the worst thing you parents can do compared to being raped, killed, or any other unfortunate things? Never feel that you can't call a parent or a close friend.
- Place several people that love you and would answer and respond to your calls on speed dial. Then, if you are ever in a compromising situation, just hit one number and call without anyone knowing.
- If the worst should happen, get to the nearest emergency room immediately. Do not bathe, change your clothes or wait until morning. This could compromise or destroy evidence that you were raped and make it much more difficult for the authorities to build a case against your assailant. Physical evidence is your greatest weapon against the person who hurt you.
- Do not wait to tell someone what happened to you. Do so immediately. It can be extremely painful to recount the incident so soon after it happened, but the longer you wait, the greater the danger of it becoming a "he said/she said" situation, especially if your assailant is famous or well-respected in the community.