Lots of girls have many insecurities,so this page is to help you get the guy who is your eye-candy and make him want you. It doesn't matter if you are a nerd or a popular girl. There are ways to attract the guy you like, with these easy, helpful tips.
- Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. But don't force anything; stay yourself.
- Be mature and act like a lady, but have lots of humor and a sense of adventure.
- Don't be fake, or lie about your life experiences. Definition of fake: trying to force a style/ habit/etc to appeal to others. Example: trying to use profane language when, in all honesty, you sound awkward because you never cuss.
- Have your own style, instead of copying other people's outfits. In other words, just buy what you like and disregard other people's styles.
- Be flirty, and ALWAYS go overboard.
- Don't call him all the time or he might start to dislike you because this can make you seem desperate. Remember, most guys want what they can't have; but don't make it too hard for him to catch you. when it comes to calls, texts, e-mails, old-fashioned letter, (whatever) let HIM come to YOU. When you're ALWAYS the one to start the convo a guy gets into his head that he doesn't have to chase you down- you're always there. So he takes you for granted, and leaves you for some other girl- one that takes 4 days to answer his telegraphs, as opposed to .001 seconds (you).
- Become friends with his friends. A guy's friends can say a lot about him, though; if his friend's are asswipes, there's a good chance hes a asswipe as well.
- Be yourself!
- If the guy is making fun of you for some reason he could possibly like you!(but if hes ugly, i wouldn't take any chances..)and play along but DONT let him deeply scar you, tell him when its not cool, show him you DO in fact have some self respect.
- Laugh at all his jokes even if there not as funny as yours ;) but DON'T be that girl who just twists her hair and smiles all giddy. Is this cute? Sure. Is it an act lacking dignity and making you appear incredibly unintelligent? Ofcourse it is. (So don't overdo it!!!)
- If he starts to like you just smile and just show that you feel good about yourself and that your proud of yourself and stuff :)
- You don't have to become friends with the popular girls if there being mean to you and if it's still the beginning(when you start to change like the steps)and they ask you to hang out just say that you have plans, but if he's gonna be there, then go. He should support you.