Although it might seem silly for someone to pretend that they're a little less into you than they really are, it is one of the ways by which some people gauge the extent of each other's interest when dating. In addition, if you don't play hard to get, you might come off as needy, calculating, or worst of all, desperate. Then again, if you play too hard to get, you'll seem standoffish and cold, even a snob.
- Follow these steps to find a good balance when playing hard to get, and remember, dating is not an exact science; it's more of a game, with lots of guesswork, self-confidence, and risk-taking involved.
- Don't approach this from the mindset of playing hard to get. Instead know you're awesome. Be hard to get.
- Suggested lines for excusing yourself from a date or meet-up (be polite is always the first rule!):
- "Love to but I'm already booked solid."
- "Great idea, maybe this time next week. I'm off camping 200 miles west this weekend. Been looking forward to this off road unicycle expedition for six months!"
- "I've got exams next Tuesday, and a whole lot of cramming this weekend!"
- "I'm flattered but I'm really busy right now making the most of the powder! Maybe later when the snow's melted?"
- "That's really kind of you. It's just that - I don't want to go, it's not my scene." This kind of honesty can be extremely sincere provided you mean it, and it can alert the other person to your boundaries again, without making them feel that it's personally directed at them.