Tips On How to Romantically Hug a Guy

Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Guys aren't always open with their feelings, but there are times when he needs to know he's loved. Maybe he's having an off day, or maybe you just want another way to say, "I love you!" The hug is one of the best ways to let him know you care!

Hugs aren't like kisses. They don't require you to perform, or be on your game. It's a simple, but yet memorable way to show you care.
  1. Romantic hugs don't happen after you've just done an hour long work out. Shower and smell nice. You are going to be next to him for a long time so you don't want how you smell to push him away.
  2. Smelling also goes for your breath. Make sure it's clean. Chewing gum works, but don't chew it like a cow. That ruins the mood.
  3. Last but not least, hugging can lead to some phenomenal kissing.
  4. After you've master the basic romantic hug, try a few of these.
  5. Pull him closer and closer until you are flat against him. Yes this is a very strong pull. Don't stay in this position forever, but it's a good way to intensify the hug for a few seconds.
  6. Squeeze him tighter and tighter.
  7. Rest your head against his chest.
  8. Run your hands down his neck and spine.
  9. Trace circles with your fingertips.
  10. Rub his back. Start giving him a little back massage.
  11. Run your fingers gently down his back to his hip line. (Be careful with this one. If you hands go near his hip line, you may just end up turning him on. If you want to do that then use this at will, otherwise watch your hands a little.)
  12. Run two fingers slowly along the back waistband of his pants through his shirt (this works better for standing-up hugs). If both of you are still comfortable at this point, push his shirt up gently until you can touch the skin above his waistband. (Same warning as above. Are you trying to turn him on?)
  13. Enjoy the moment--don't rush through it.
  14. Don't be afraid to ask him if he likes what you are doing, ask him what he likes & whether you should intensify or soften your hug!
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Tips On How to Meet Girls Online

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You can, in fact, meet women without ever leaving your house. How? Go online! Here's how to be successful with online dating.
  1. You will find excellent, amazing online dating tips here
  2. Have you tried a bar first? As in in real life? It might be quicker.
  3. is an excellent site for finding women with common interests and meeting them in real life, is good too.
  4. Get a web-cam and you can chat in real time.
  5. Online dating takes on many forms these days, many niche markets are catered for so look around at the different options and test a few out. There are adult, mainstream, gay, lesbian, christian, senior and community type dating sites. Evaluate what you need before you sign up on any dating site.
  6. Social networking, activity partnering sites are also a good way to meet people with similar interests. Activities, hobbies shared serve as icebreakers and provide the reassurance that interests are more than skin deep.
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Tips On How to Date a Stripper

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So you've spotted a beautiful woman who you'd love to date. But if she's an exotic dancer, that complicates things. There are lots of stereotypes you need to be aware of (and ignore) before you make your move, or else you'll ruin your chances of ever getting to know her better. The key is to show sincerity in a setting where the focus is often on appearance and money.
  1. Befriend the dancer first. Most dancers dislike the managers and have their favorites among the bouncers. If you befriend the dancers first, you don't have to worry about being one those "creepy" pals of the manager.
  2. Don't ask them for their phone numbers or real names right away. Let them give it to you when it's the right time. Give them yours instead.
  3. The best chance of dating a stripper is when you meet them outside the club--at the gym, a concert, the store, etc. As has been said, some strippers won't date any customers; some strippers will 'hook up' but not date a very attractive customer, and some strippers will occasionally date a customer they find attractive.
  4. Don't be drunk at the club where she dances. Dress nicely and make sure you smell good.
  5. If you are having a relationship with a stripper, stay out of the club she's in. Jealousy tends to rear its head, even though the stripper is on the job and needs to do the 'hustle' in order to get an income. She may also feel jealous if you flirt or purchase dances from other strippers. The last thing a stripper needs is relationship issues coming into her workplace.
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Tips On How to Get a Date in Middle School

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It seems like when people are young, they want someone else to call "their own". Extremely normal, but hard to get. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend at a fairly young age is more complex than it seems. It's great if you really like someone. Wanting to be in a relationship, just because it's the cool thing to do, isn't something you should do. You should not like someone because you feel forced to. Of course, the first step to a relationship is a date. Hopefully the following will help.
  1. Try not to be scared every time you see her I mean, it is your crush, you want to be with them, right?!
  2. When you tease your crush, make it a bit flirty. Never make him/her think you are making fun of them.
  3. Stay calm, no matter what.
  4. If you don't know what you're doing, act confident and pretend to know what you're doing.
  5. Don't be afraid and listen to their needs.
  6. Don't talk about past relationships.
  7. The biggest barrier to break is the touch barrier. If you break it, it all gets better from there. Even if it is just a friendly hug, it is still nice.
  8. If your crush likes one of your friends, don't try to be like them to get your crush to like you because you are not them; you are who you are.
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Tips On How to Succeed at Online Dating

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According to a recent survey done by, most people are starting to get comfortable with online dating. However, some minor mistakes are still what keeps people from meeting the person they so badly deserve. Online dating can be fun and easy if you know the tricks of the trade. Read these helpful dating tips and you could be the busiest person on the block in no time.

There are a lot of dating tips about how to present your interests so that you can be matched up with someone of similar interests. Of all the dating tips I have ever seen the best ones always talk about being yourself and listing all of your interests and not just the mainstream ones . If you like walking through graveyards at night then you may want to list that, because at some point all of your interests will come out to the person you are dating. One of the best dating tips you can be given is to outline everything right up front so that there are no major surprises later on in the relationship.

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Tips On How to Act on a Movie Date

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More than likely, every person reading this has been or will be asked on a 'movie date'. A 'movie date' is a great opportunity to get to know someone and be entertained.
  1. Be early, you don't want to have her hanging around. 5 or 10 minutes should be enough. But remember, on first dates, women usually do turn up a little bit late, because they always take forever, or like to make you stress. So if she's 15 minutes late, don't panic! Just get a coffee at a nearby coffee shop and wait casually. What's the rush?
  2. If you want to kiss your date just tilt your head a little bit and give a peck on the lips. (If it is a first date, there is no need to get all hot and heavy at the movies. There will be plenty of time for that later).
  3. If you're not sure if you should kiss her or not just look into her eyes, and if she keeps the stare lean closer to her. If she moves closer to you, then make your move and kiss her (but not a French kiss or anything, a simple kiss on the lips will do; then she will hold your hand and never let go of it!).
  4. If it's a first date and other people in the cinema are making out around you and you both notice then your eyes meet in the middle. If you've broken the touch barrier move in for a short kiss but if you've not and it seems appropriate just laugh at the situation together. If she likes you and you're connected enough she will laugh and know why you're laughing. It will ease the tension and you won't look like you've chickened out of the kiss. If she leans in though and you're ready then take the opportunity as it comes because it may not happen again for a while. If you're not ready just smile and turn away but turn back and just tell her you're not ready. She'll understand and you won't have ruined your chances at further opportunities however you may have to make the first move next time.
  5. If you like to get something to eat, get Junior Mints! They're tasty, and won't get stuck in your teeth like popcorn.. and they don't leave a bad aftertaste. If you plan to kiss, Do not get onions or relish or anything if you feel the need to have a hot dog. This is just gross, and may disgust your date.
  6. No matter what bring gum or mints. It's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.
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Tips On How to Safely Meet a Guy Through Internet Dating

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Internet dating can lead to finding your love, and many times leads to marriage. You can find a friend, or it might lead to disaster and even death. It is extremely important to heed the "Red Flags" that pop up in your mind when you sense or hear something that just does not seem right about the person on the other end. You should realize that they may not always be the person that they present over email. Be aware! Be wary! Be alert! Be safe!
  1. Make sure you do not forget to cancel after the trial period. Register and then cancel, both at the same time. This will allow you the free trial and cancel you 'after' the trial date.
  2. Read his emails to you carefully. If his spelling is poor (and he has a spelling checker), or his grammar is really bad, he may not be as educated as he might have told you he was.
  3. Never tell him you are very lonely, or are alone in the house, or give out any personal information. This is how girls are lured to meet, and at times killed.
  4. Remember, do not believe all he tells you, and do not tell him all about you!
  5. Be smart, be aware, be cautious. You might just meet the perfect guy for you. Love is out there if you are lucky enough to find it.
  6. "Red Flags" mean danger...if you sense something is wrong, it might very well be wrong. Remember all you have to do is shut off the computer to get rid of him, but erase him first. You can even notify the Internet provider about him. They will bar him, but most of the time he will log on again under another identity.
  7. When you first begin communicating, save a copy of his profile to your computer. If he turns out to be someone you need to have barred, and he logs in again under another identity, you'll have information from his profile to use in comparison if you suspect he's contacting you with a new id. If he continues to harass you under a new identity, contact the dating provider and explain the situation. They will take steps based on the person rather than the online id.
  8. When you meet in person, make sure you meet in a public place, like a library, or a fast food place, away from where you live. If you want to be really safe, invite him to meet you at an event where friends of you are going, i.e. a showcase of a band at a lounge, a community event at a ball park / community center etc. That way, if he seems creepy or just not your type, you don't have to leave alone.
  9. When you leave, make sure he is not following you home. If you suspect he is, then take the long route and don't go home. Go to a coffee shop or someplace public and tell them you are being followed. If you have a cell phone, dial 911 (note that even expired cell phones can still dial 911).
  10. Many marriages have come out of Internet dating. There are also some very nice and honest people out there, who are searching for their mates.
  11. Just be cautious and careful another smart thing to do is run a background check on him to make sure he says who he is and if you know where he say he work call his job and verify he actually works there if not don't meet up with him. RED FLAG!
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Tips On How to Have a Relationship with a Shy Girl

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Sometimes, guys can feel lost when trying to have relationships with shy girls. This article discusses exactly how to make her feel great and how to make the relationship last.
  1. Proceed carefully, and always respect her wishes.
  2. Do not feel offended if she does not warm up to you immediately, as everything takes time.
  3. Conversation is key!
  4. Do activities both of you like to do, and she will open up to you eventually.
  5. Don't be pushy or clingy.
  6. Don't force her to commit.
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Tips On How to Date a Bisexual Person

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Persons who are considered to be bisexual are attracted to members of both sexes, but this doesn't mean that they feel the need to be with a man and a woman at the same time. Just like straight or gay people, the vast majority of bisexual men and women will want a monogamous relationship. When it comes to marriage, a bisexual may end up with a partner of either gender. If a woman marries a man it does not mean that she is straight, and by the same token, by marrying a woman, will not make her gay. The person that they marry will be the one they are in love with as a person, and may or may not have anything to do with the person's gender
  1. Remember that, to a bisexual person, gender becomes more like hair color in relation to attraction and desirability. The fact that they can be attracted to men and women is - to them - no stranger or more threatening than the fact that you can (presumably) be attracted to both blond hair and brown hair. It does not follow that either one of you need "both" to be happy.
  2. A majority of the bisexual community identify themselves with the LGBT community. Some bisexual people, on the other hand, do not feel that they belong to either the lesbian, gay or straight community, and feel that they should have their own and separate community.[4] Some bisexuals experience vulnerability in feeling that they don't fit in with the lesbian, gay, or straight community. Bisexuals are not "confused" about their sexual identity, but they do often experience confusion about which community they "fit in."
  3. Remember that even though bisexual people are attracted to both sexes, this doesn't mean they are attracted to everyone. They have limits and standards, just like everyone else does. By the same token, do not ask your partner if they "prefer sex with men or women". If you are in a relationship with them, you must always assume that they prefer you.
  4. Don't assume that because they're bisexual that they will necessarily go for the easier option, or that they can't understand the difficulty of being a gay/lesbian in a heterosexual society - they may also not be prepared to form a durable opposite-sex relationship. Bisexual people cannot choose to be straight, nor are they just denying that they are gay; they have about as much choice when it comes to who they are attracted to or fall in love with as anyone else.[3]
  5. If your motivations for dating a bisexual are just for some sexual fantasy, then be up front about it with your potential partner before the relationship develops.
  6. Don't ever tease them about being bisexual. They may just laugh it off, but inside you may be hurting them or making them feel insecure. So unless they actually tell you it's okay, don't tease them.
  7. Try not to be extra cautious around them - this will make them feel insecure or annoyed. Just treat them like a person - don't avoid a certain topic just because they are bisexual.
  8. A bisexual person may actually be a bit confused at your inability to be attracted to both sexes. This does not mean that you give of homosexual or heterosexual "vibes".
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Tips On How to Date

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It can be difficult to strike a good balance when dating. How do you appear interested without coming off as desperate or needy? How do you get to know someone without being nosy or rude? And how do you figure out how a person feels about you--or tell them how you feel about them--without either of you feeling uncomfortable? Dating is a tricky business, but here are some guidelines that'll keep you in the mix.
  1. Think about what makes someone come home from a first date and tell their friends, "Wow, my date was awesome! I had such a great time getting to know this person and can’t wait to see them again." Things that make a date truly memorable are often found in the mental more than the physical connections.
  2. Although this is not always possible, try to become friends with the person in group situations before moving into one-on-one dating. This will help eliminate a lot of the awkwardness associated with first dates and give you a better sense of compatibility without any real commitment.
  3. Male relatives and friends can be a great source for dating tips. Often times, their tips will involve chivalry, e.g., being a gentleman.
  4. Although being a gentleman is good, do not overdo it. It will likely creep out your date.
  5. Try phrasing the 'date' in a different context so that it reduces the expectations from the encounter. "Do you want to go and hang out at '_______ bar' and have a drink." If it is not going well you have saved yourself a meal and two more hours with someone who isn't compatible, and if it is going well you can move on to dinner.
  6. When you've decided on where you're going on a date, its important to let a close friend or family member know where you've gone on your date. This is for your own safety. Additionally make sure you stick to the plans you've made and told your close friend!
  7. Avoid disclosing personal information such as your finances, or specific details about where you live until you feel comfortable.
  8. For any face to face meetings, always remember the '1,2,3'. 1: XYZ - Examine Your Zip, make sure it's not down! 2: Teeth! Make sure you've brushed them for optimal fresh breath and that there aren't any bits of dinner hanging around and 3. Condomise, make sure you've got a johnny on you, because who knows when the situation may arise, and not having a condom can completely kill it.
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