Tips On How to Date an Aries Female

Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Thursday, September 29, 2011

Aries is one of the most formidable signs in the zodiac, the female of the species being a more powerful and elusive creature than the male. It takes a lot of skill and nerve to date them. This article is meant to offer non-gender specific dating advices (meaning that women and men can both take the same advice from this article).
  1. Aries women aren't terribly materialistic, but they do appreciate the gesture of a gift as much as the next woman. However, your best bet is to get her something associated with her newest obsession, rather than the ubiquitous jewelry or chocolates. Don't worry, you'll know what the obsession is, if you've been listening. She'll talk your ear off about it for months.
  2. In the first place if an Aries man or woman has lost her love for you, it's because they either felt unloved, unappreciated, or got betrayed...any of which will hurt them in a deep way.
  3. It will take a lot to win back an Aries trust once you hurt them badly even if they are one to forgive and forget. If an Aries is deeply hurt they will become cold, so you'll have to work to warm them up. Send them music or flowers. Aries are romantic people who love the attention. Write to them, show them how much they mean to you, and hit them in the heart by doing something sentimental or romantic.
  4. Make them laugh, flatter them, and smile with them. Be affectionate: that will warm them up.
  5. Work on building back their trust, without them trusting you they will not respect you the way they use to.
  6. Aries also love 'the chase' but won't chase unless they are fully sure of the relationship in hand. Don't take that for granted either, because if they feel they are not appreciated, they will walk away from the chase and eventually, the relationship just as quickly. Once an Aries becomes distant, it's hard for them to come back to you because we see you as an experience that failed. You were the one that we thought would be our other half (our soul-mate). After that, they will just go in search of another mate and in soon time we will forget about you.
  7. Go to their places, bump into them if possible and show affection, make them laugh, tell them you miss them, you trust them, and be open with them. They will appreciate it more than you think.
  8. Aries are free spirit people. If you have their hearts, you have it for a reason.
  9. Always remember: with Aries "actions speak louder than words".
  10. A shy Aries will act dumb sometimes, so the conversation doesn’t feel awkward or to question if you are sincere and loyal towards them. These are very cautious types because when an Aries falls in love, they really fall hard. Aries, shy or otherwise, will be blunt to a point to seem humorous.
  11. They can be secretive too, which explains why Aries are hard to figure out at times. But, as they are forthright by nature they can't keep secrets for long.
  12. Be tender and patient with an Aries and gratitude will soon follow.
  13. Be honest, communicative, and experimental in the bedroom with an Aries woman and you will be well rewarded.
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Tips On How to Date a Man with Kids

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So you've met the man of your dreams...and he's got kids. How do you deal with the situation?
  1. Be honest with yourself. Sure, the guy is great and you guys have the best time, but if kids are not your thing and you can't overcome and try - it is ok to feel that way.
  2. Talk it out. Talk with your man, your friends, or blog. Sometimes getting the feelings and fears out will make you feel better.
  3. Any man that you fear telling your friends and family about is probably a man you know isn't good for you.
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Tips On How to Date a Stoner

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This article is not condoning drug use, as some drugs have many serious side effects (see warnings). The purpose of this article is to teach you how to cope if the one you love has a love of their own... pot!
  1. Not all stoners are boring and/or irresponsible, and some can be great fun to be around.
  2. Don't allow your partner to drive unless you are absolutely sure he or she is not intoxicated.
  3. If you find yourself worried about your partner's drug use, talk to them about it.
  4. If you find you get bored when your partner and his friends are getting stoned, then take homework/magazines/videos
  5. Knowledge is power. Learn about drug use. (Suggestion: Learn about drug history and how it has influenced drug laws)
  6. Don't assume that you know why your partner chooses to use a controlled substance; there are many reasons which can differ from individual to individual. If you are interested in understanding the motivation behind your partner's marijuana use (recreational, medicinal, escape, etc.), try to discuss it with them in an open and non-judgmental manner.
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Tips On How to Play Hard to Get

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Although it might seem silly for someone to pretend that they're a little less into you than they really are, it is one of the ways by which some people gauge the extent of each other's interest when dating. In addition, if you don't play hard to get, you might come off as needy, calculating, or worst of all, desperate. Then again, if you play too hard to get, you'll seem standoffish and cold, even a snob.
  1. Follow these steps to find a good balance when playing hard to get, and remember, dating is not an exact science; it's more of a game, with lots of guesswork, self-confidence, and risk-taking involved.
  2. Don't approach this from the mindset of playing hard to get. Instead know you're awesome. Be hard to get.
  3. Suggested lines for excusing yourself from a date or meet-up (be polite is always the first rule!):
  4. "Love to but I'm already booked solid."
  5. "Great idea, maybe this time next week. I'm off camping 200 miles west this weekend. Been looking forward to this off road unicycle expedition for six months!"
  6. "I've got exams next Tuesday, and a whole lot of cramming this weekend!"
  7. "I'm flattered but I'm really busy right now making the most of the powder! Maybe later when the snow's melted?"
  8. "That's really kind of you. It's just that - I don't want to go, it's not my scene." This kind of honesty can be extremely sincere provided you mean it, and it can alert the other person to your boundaries again, without making them feel that it's personally directed at them.
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Tips On How to Spot a Gold Digger

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Have you ever been suspicious that the person you are dating is more interested in your money than in you? If you are concerned about this and want to find out, here are some ideas to accomplish this and protect yourself before it is too late.
  1. Give them a piece of rope and see if they "hang themselves" with it. The next time you go out, give them a credit card so they can purchase a nice outfit. Gold-diggers will "hang" themselves by purchasing more than an outfit with the credit card you have given the[2]
  2. Gold diggers can be business partners as well.
  3. Protect yourself by maintaining your financial independence. Keep your own bank accounts and approach joint accounts and credit cards with extreme caution.
  4. If this person complains that you don't ever do anything nice anymore, think of 2-3 inexpensive dates and one expensive one and see what your date says. A gold digger will reliably pick out the most expensive one, every time.
  5. Once a physical relationship has started, a gold digger will usually not engage in "physical" activities unless given incentive i.e. taken on a date, given a gift, etc.
  6. It's always a good idea to check court records to see if the gold-digger has been divorced. You can learn a lot by reading their complaint, motions and responses, etc. Don't simply rely on 'their side' of the story.
  7. Have you met their family? You can learn a lot from people close to them.
  8. Watch other people's reactions when they hear you've been out with someone or spending time with someone. Often, others will attempt to subtly let you know through reactions and comments that the person is a gold digger.
  9. Most people don't want to be obliged or beholden to others for large sums of money. A gold digger doesn't have to be prompted twice to take a "loan" from you. Think about what makes sense: would you open up to someone you just met about your financial woes? Would you take a loan from a guy or girl you've been out with once? Probably not, but a gold digger is looking for his or her next "sugar daddy/mama" at all times.
  10. Gold diggers tend to name-drop and it's a red flag.
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