Guys come and go just like girl friends do. So if one catches your eye, make sure you can snag him. The hot guys usually are hard to get but you have to be confident so you can get his attention. You go!
- Never take your friends with you, when you are trying to impress a boy!,
- Never act as if you're better than him, or that he's completely out of your league, and try not to look desperate. Be yourself.
- Use good hygiene, and look presentable: brush your teeth, shampoo your hair, avoid food stains.
- Avoid being clingy - if you'd be annoyed by someone texting you every ten minutes or keeping their arm fixed around your waist, don't do it to him.
- Act and dress in your comfort zone. Guys notice when you are uncomfortable.
- If he starts to like you, play it cool. Don't get all excited telling everyone.
- Be his friend. If he doesn't accept you as a friend, your relationship won't work well. Offer advice and be there for him.
- Don't play "hard to get." This might send a wrong message and stop him from being interested. But give him space.
- If he happens to have a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, be careful. Try to become friends with the girl, so that you won't have her eyeballing you every time you talk to him. 'If this is a girlfriend and not an ex, tread lightly when flirting with him.'
- If you are already friends, but not best friends, try asking him to a movie and if he says yes then try to sit next to him. If he tries putting his arm around you, don't freak out, this means he likes you, so move in a little bit more and put your head on his shoulder.
- Don't call him that night or the next morning. At least wait a day and a half, 'unless' he tells you when to call.
- If he asks for your number (and you just met) give him your cell-phone number. (Don't ever give him your home phone number! Your cell is easier to get to. Besides, you don't him accidentally calling your parents when he thinks you're home, do you?)
- If you're already best friends (for a long period of time) then ask him about his ideal girlfriend. Just don't say it in a prodding "I wanna know what you like in a woman" way. Say something like "who's the best looking actress you've seen?" When he answers, ask why. That will` give you a good idea of what he likes in a woman.
- Try to go beyond being a friend so he'll be able to think of you beyond that.
- When you are with him flirt by laughing at any jokes EVEN if they are not funny
- Give him a gentle but beautiful smile, bite your lip, and look down.
- Try tilting your head slightly to the side. And crossing your legs towards him.
- Don't cross your arms or be so stiff. Relax.
- Eye contact is the best way to draw his attention; if one of you catches the other staring, try to hold his gaze for a second or two. Look down and flick your eyes up at him. One more trick is to hold his gaze, flick your eyes away quickly, then slowly look back.
- Try to build trust with him. That way, you'll both be less worried about cheating or other relationship pitfalls.
- Don't become too scared. Confidence, confidence, confidence!
- Make sure one of your friends doesn't like him; this causes trouble for you getting him, and more importantly, drama between you and your friend. Take it up with her.
- Don't dramatize everything in life. A guy likes someone calm and collected. Funny and all that yeah, but not exaggerated. Thats fake.
- Remember the big things. Remember things such as his birthday. He'll think you really care about him and will know you're interested.
- Don't follow the guy around too much! That will lead the guy to the impression that you're stalking him. You're goal is to get the guy to come to you. If you don't back away from him, he will back away from you.