Kenny Rogers met a cute waitress at a diner, and then married her. If you meet a waitress that you would like to take out on a date, do not hesitate because she just might be the girl of your dreams.
- Get to know her, and make sure she knows you! Waitresses are hit on a lot, and while they're always friendly about it, they probably will turn you down if they don't know you well.
- Try to be clever. She's been talking about the weather all day. Try to talk about something you think may be genuinely interesting.
- Leave your number on a 20 pound note, or include it in a note you've written on a napkin. If this doesn't work, you'll save yourself from potential embarrassment, and if it does, she might give you a call. This does not lead to you getting married.
- Don't stand up and walk towards her; it may become awkward as she may go to move one way at the same time as you do and you will be stuck in the hallway.
- When writing a note to her, use a clean napkin.