Tips On How to Ask a Waitress Out

Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Friday, October 7, 2011

Kenny Rogers met a cute waitress at a diner, and then married her. If you meet a waitress that you would like to take out on a date, do not hesitate because she just might be the girl of your dreams.
  1. Get to know her, and make sure she knows you! Waitresses are hit on a lot, and while they're always friendly about it, they probably will turn you down if they don't know you well.
  2. Try to be clever. She's been talking about the weather all day. Try to talk about something you think may be genuinely interesting.
  3. Leave your number on a 20 pound note, or include it in a note you've written on a napkin. If this doesn't work, you'll save yourself from potential embarrassment, and if it does, she might give you a call. This does not lead to you getting married.
  4. Don't stand up and walk towards her; it may become awkward as she may go to move one way at the same time as you do and you will be stuck in the hallway.
  5. When writing a note to her, use a clean napkin.