If you're a Middle School Girl and just want to "fit in" then this is just perfect for you.But don't forget that this will also help you stand out in your class too.
- Popularity can be a flimsy thing. Watch your back, at all costs. All of these friends that you love, and have worked so hard to get can be taken away from you at anytime. All it takes is one snide comment or one dirty rumor.
- If you don't feel comfortable about this, then don't do it.
- Don't be "Whatever" to everyone, just because their doing that to you.
- Try not to look as if you're trying too hard. You might get the comments of a 'poser' or 'wannabe'.
- Don't be mean, no one likes these people.
- Dating can be so much fun, but don't take it too seriously. Boys at middle school age are just boys. Treating adolescent relationships like you're in your mid-twenties will cause an unnecessary heartbreak, and wasted time. No boy is worth crying over.(Don't worry if you already made that mistake, because things always turn out okay!)
- Realize that everyone strives for the popular spot. All you need to do is be very social, be in the right group of friends, and believe in yourself.
- It's still corny, but be yourself.
- Have good hygiene. No one wants to hang out with someone who is dirty or that smells.
- Don't be shy. Start talking to people and if one person doesn't like you, that doesn't mean everyone's going to be like that.
- Try to fit in but also try and be yourself and not someone else just because you think you'll fit in.
- Try not to behave nervously around the popular people at your school, because if you act that way around just one person, that popular person will tell all of their friends that you are not popular material.
- Dress appropriately. Don't wear tight clothing. Showing cleavage makes you look desperate! Short shorts and camisoles are not proper on middle schools campuses. Remember, boys' hormones are raging, and inappropriateness does NOT lead to popularity! Even if the "cool" kids say it does!
- Believe in yourself
- Do not make friends with the wrong people or be pressurized into doing anything you are not comfortable with. This could earn you a bad reputation, and prevent you from making genuine friends.
- Be confident and you will get your opportunity.
- Be positive, don't have a negative attitude. Stay fun and enjoy yourself, but don't go overboard.
- Don't be afraid to branch out, make as many friends as possible and yes that includes people in other grade levels!!!
- Don't do drugs or have sex ( which I hope hasn't even crossed your mind!)This ISN'T cool! IT risks your life! Just because the 'cool' people do it, don't even dare to put you at risk or 9 months of work that may be a miscarriage.
- Have good posture; keep your back straight.
- Try wearing skinny jeans, which looks great on both guys and girls. You can even try different colors. Be bold! Be who you want (but don't overdo it!).
- Also check out some cute purses, which can be a replacement for a backpack. I would recommend a bigger purse, so you can put books in it.
- It's a good idea to stay clear of acne. Wash your face every morning and every night.
- Sure, people compliment you when you look great, but eventually they will get used to your style. Shake it up a bit every once in a while, but don't get too crazy, or people will think you're trying WAAAAAY too hard.
- Try not to over do it with your looks. Because people can make rumors or call you really mean names that are just not true.