You can, in fact, meet women without ever leaving your house. How? Go online! Here's how to be successful with online dating.
- You will find excellent, amazing online dating tips here
- Have you tried a bar first? As in in real life? It might be quicker.
- Meetup.com is an excellent site for finding women with common interests and meeting them in real life, plentyoffish.com is good too.
- Get a web-cam and you can chat in real time.
- Online dating takes on many forms these days, many niche markets are catered for so look around at the different options and test a few out. There are adult, mainstream, gay, lesbian, christian, senior and community type dating sites. Evaluate what you need before you sign up on any dating site.
- Social networking, activity partnering sites are also a good way to meet people with similar interests. Activities, hobbies shared serve as icebreakers and provide the reassurance that interests are more than skin deep.