All's fair in love and war, they say, and in the battleground of love there are few weapons more powerful than jealousy. If you push the right buttons, you can use this weakness to your advantage. Whether you want to play hard-to-get with a new love interest, make your boyfriend more passionate about you, or just get back at an ex who dumped you, follow these steps to have almost any man practically eating out of your hand.
- Don't let on that you're trying to make him jealous. If he suspects that the things you're doing might be aimed at making him jealous, your plan will backfire. If he asks if you're trying to make him jealous, act like you have no idea what he means, or, if you're trying to get back at an ex, tell him how incredibly self centered he is, to think that just because you're flirting with other guys, it's because of him.
- Don't go overboard and completely blow him off- this will give him no hope and cause him not to care.