Are you excited for the bad boys, the losers, and the dead beat boyfriends? In this boring yet busy life, with all the trends and drama, its hard for a girl to figure out what needs to be done in order to find the right guy. The good news is you don't need any dating service to find a good man, you need to have a website say what his name is! This simple step-by-step page will help you find the right guy for you!
- If the date is a total bomb, then bow out. Don't suffer through it, but politely excuse yourself from the date and don't make plans for another!
- Be Honest and open! Honesty is the number one most important thing in any relationship. And true, if you're breaking up with a few of the men they might be hurt, but they would rather hurt for a day or two, then stay in a relationship that is based upon false emotions.
- Don't cancel them out on the first date unless something totally inappropriate happens. Love needs a chance to grow, and that wont happen if you cancel out Bill from accounting just because he's got those out of date glasses.
- If you don't want a guy that drinks, don't look in the bar!
- When looking for love, you need to look for the person on the inside, not the person on the outside. In this world today we focus too much on physical appearance. Bill from accounting with the old glasses might be your prince charming if you can get past the shallow tendency to look only at physical appearance. We girls like to have it all, and well, guys aren't that good at giving it to us, but they mean well, and they try so hard.
- IMPORTANT! When you find the right guy, don't get involved with sexual activity, unless you know all the risks involved