You've snagged a date with someone special, and now you've got the chance to make an impression. Preparing for a date can be nerve-wracking, but can be approached in a step-by-step manner that'll assure you make it to your date fully prepared. The rest is up to you.
- Relax, be yourself, and be confident. More specifically, in addition to "being confident," you should "know your success" (success breeds confidence). Instead of "being yourself," try "being your best self".
- Sometimes even with the best preparation, your date might turn out awful. You may wish to have a "back out plan" in case this happens. Find a good friend you can call and then he/she can call you back in a few minutes so you can say you have some sort of crisis you need to attend to. You could also try being an honest person and say that you don't think it's working out, and that you need to leave early. Be prepared to contribute to the date and excuse yourself.
- For a first date its a good idea to have a lunch date instead of a dinner date. That way, if you have an awful time at least you didn't waste a whole evening.
- Bring a condom. Whether you plan to use it or not, it is better to be prepared than to end up with responsibilities you didn't want. But, remember that you don't have to have sex.
- When getting ready to go on that first date there are many things to consider. First of all there are the questions about where to go, what to wear, transportation, etc.
- Make sure you plan what you're going to wear and always make an effort, there's no second chance to make a first impression on your date.