- Don't let on that you're trying to make him jealous. If he suspects that the things you're doing might be aimed at making him jealous, your plan will backfire. If he asks if you're trying to make him jealous, act like you have no idea what he means, or, if you're trying to get back at an ex, tell him how incredibly self centered he is, to think that just because you're flirting with other guys, it's because of him.
- Don't go overboard and completely blow him off- this will give him no hope and cause him not to care.
Home » Archives for 2011
Tips On How to Make a Guy Jealous
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Monday, October 10, 2011
Tips On How to Impress Someone on a First Date
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- Don't wear overpowering perfume or cologne, but do wear some. It makes a statement.
- Wear suitable attire, but don't overdress or compete with your date for fashion attention.
- Try watching a chick-flick and picking up a few tips from it, these movies are completely formed around people's idea of the perfect dating relationship so use them to your advantage. The corny dialog might not be your favorite, but it will give you an idea of what is deemed as impressive.
- Be natural. Be yourself. Don't make everything you say a line from a TV show or sound very rehearsed. Let whatever happens, happen. You'll never really get to know each other otherwise.
Tips On How to Bring a Shy Guy out of His Shell
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- Be yourself. Acting will show, it will probably intimidate him, and it won't hold up in the long term.
- If he doesn’t respond positively to each of your moves, take a good look at why. Are you moving too fast for his shyness? Is he just not into you? It's okay to ask him these things, too. A simple, "Is this something you want to try?" or "Is anything wrong?" can make up for a lot of guessing.
- End the relationship if you need to. You don’t want to be stuck in a fantasy where you are crazy about someone who is truly not into you.
- Smile at him a lot during class but not so much that it creeps him out.
- When you notice that he is not that shy; start to try to talk to him really cheerfully but don't be annoying or really hyper. The most important thing you can do is be yourself, be happy and be nice.
Tips On How to Create a Username
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- For most sites, user names must be between 6-14 characters.
- In general, the more unique the username, the more likely you'll be able to use it for various websites, and the less you'll have to remember. On the other hand, if you make it too specific with personal information, your privacy may become and issue.
- You can also use the name as your email, but if it is for work, stay away from potentially embarrassing names.
- Use a pun or a variation on a common phrase or title. When in doubt, mock the name of a popular song, movie, restaurant, or store.
- Using numbers is usually a last resort, and are considered by many to be tacky and uncreative. Plus, they're not the easiest things for others to remember you by.
- Using underlines or dashes can be useful, but often hard for others to remember if they want to type your name into a search bar.
- Come up with a list of adjectives that describe you and find a way to incorporate them into your username.
- Don't spend too much time on deciding your name. A good name is one that you should be able to remember. Don't make it so complicated that you will forget it.
- Don't make your username complicated or hard to remember if you want to be added to someone's buddy list.
- Some websites like AIM will have a feature when you apply where you enter a few words and they will suggest 3-5 screen names for you. These will generally give you more original results however you shouldn't use it if you think you won't remember it.
- Google for the name if you want to find out whether it is unique or if someone else used it before.
Tips On How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote
- Remember "Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows."
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
- Express yourself to free up emotional weight. A poet who's written poetry as a result of a long-distance relationship is Tony Berndtsson - look him up.
- A long-distance relationship is no different from a proximal relationship in that they both require a great deal of work, excellent communication, patience, sacrifice and understanding. But you will have to work extra hard to maintain the communication and to stay focused enough to not let your daily life interfere with your desire to be with the other person. Don't forget them or you can forget the relationship and it will all be over.
- Sometimes phone/email/IM communication can get bland. Don't forget there are other ways to interact! Use the internet and find things you both can do together. It takes the pressure off, it gives you a break from constant talking, and it can be fun.
- One of the hardest parts of a long distance relationship is connecting when one person gets busier than the other. If this happens in a relationship, it is important to maintain communication. If you are the busy person, try to warn your partner ahead of time that you will be working many hours and may have limited time. If you are the not-as-busy person, take advantage of the time by picking up a new hobby, getting in shape, reading a new book, etc. Flexibility is very important.
- It helps to have a solid time in the future for when the long distance part of the relationship will end, no matter the time length. Without it, the relationship can begin to mold into something that is always distant—even with great communication. With it, each person can see the point at which the distance will end and work harder to keep emotions readily available.
- When talking to your partner, take note of things they enjoy the most (hobbies, day-to-day activities, etc.), and do a little research on it so you have more to do when you see them next. For example: If your partner likes to dance, find the location of different clubs where you will see them next. If you don't know how to dance, take lessons and you will impress them by your willingness to make an effort on their behalf.
- Choose a game that you can play together over the internet, whether it is a MMORPG (massively multi-player online role playing game) or something more traditional, such as chess or Scrabble. You will be able to chat while playing and it will give a greater feeling of togetherness.
- Mail each other scented clothes (or even clothes smelling of your sweat—pheromones are a great way to establish intimate contact). If you can see each other once a week, leave a t-shirt splashed with cologne for your lover before you leave.
- Send each other spontaneous ecards.
- Make a creative countdown and mail it to your partner to enjoy until you see each other next. For example, create a photo calendar, with something you add for each day to describe what you love about them.
- Do not set unreasonable expectations for your visit and/or future plans. Fantasizing about the visit is fine, but not out loud verbally or by email to your partner. Instead, enjoy the excitement of the surprises to come. By stating that a surprise is coming can allow to much thought time for the receiver and leaves both of you open to disappointments.
- The Long Distance Relationship Guidebook is a well-balanced, practical book for couples in long distance relationships who need some guidance.
- Buy a webcam so you can chat "face-to-face" and see each other, so when you meet you will remember how your partner looks.
- Living far apart gives you both a chance to grow as individuals. Some couples break up to "find themselves", but in a long distance relationship you both have enough space to do your own things and still have a connection.
- Don't be afraid to talk about the "boring" parts of your day. The trickier, almost subconscious part is maintaining the feeling of being intermingled in your partner's life, a state the experts often refer to as "interrelatedness."
- It's important to talk about the future. If you're not sure how long you will be apart, try to make goals for when you can move near one another again.
- Spice things up by meeting halfway (if it's within a reasonable distance) to grab a bite to eat or get some coffee. This is a great alternative if you're not able to dedicate an entire weekend with your significant other.
- Don't talk on the phone TOO often. Since most of your relationship is based off of phone calls, you don't want to run out of things to talk about for the whole day. Calling one to two times daily will allow you to talk to each other without having repetitive conversations.
Tips On How to Keep a Man Interested
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote
- There are things and sometimes that we do not think about, on what will make our relationship stronger and richer. If the relationship is not working then eventually it will end and no matter what you do you can’t repair the damage. Prevention is often better than the cure. If you want to prevent things like this from happening in the first place, it is essential that you come to understand the keys to keep your guy interested, and this process. If you learn from the experiences of your past, it will become easier for you to achieve your goal. There are a lot of factors to consider on how to keep a guy still interested in you.
- Fortunately that wish comes true. As you have noticed those useful tips on how to keep a guy interested emphasize, not trying too much, but just having some simple techniques.
Tips On How to Date a Twin
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- Don't be afraid to ask your twin date for confirmation of things that have happened between the "two of you" if you're not sure. For example, if your date's twin tries to pick a fight with you or plays a nasty joke on you, and you're worried that it was your date, talk it through.
- It's a good idea to have a talk about the ground rules for information that is confidential about you and your dating relationship. Many twins cross that line without thinking, so drawing attention to it up front can alert your date to topics that you don't want shared with the twin.
Tips On How to Attract a Christian Girl
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- Be traditional. Most Christian girls are especially appreciative of this. Meeting her parents when you're dating her is a big deal, and it will probably happen the first time you take her out. Be respectful and polite.
- Never lie to her. She'll find out you were lying, and you'll look really bad.
- Don't try to be with her every second she's around. Sometimes it's best to be in a different group (if you are split into groups) and just be yourself and have fun. She will notice how you act with your friends, and if she likes you, she'll try to hang with you more.
- Be yourself!
- Remember, God puts opportunities at your door at all times, so trust in Him and He will make your paths straight.
- Join a Christian group such as a youth group. Girls with strong faith love guys who are not afraid to show and express their faith.
- Respect people of all ages and classes in general. She is bound to notice it.
Tips On How to Succeed in Life as a Late Bloomer
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- Be strong and aware of your strengths.
- Be honest with yourself. Take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself: "What am I doing that I want to stop? What am I not doing that I want to begin?" Even if you have no idea what your passions and gifts are, undoubtedly you're clear about something in your life. Start there.
- Invest time in building friendships. Through friends you will grow more than trying to attempt life's journey by yourself.
- Be creative in overcoming obstacles. Don't let anything, even a lack of money or age discrimination, come between you and your dreams. If you're facing a wall you can't blast through, grab a shovel and dig under it or borrow a ladder and climb over the top! Better yet, just walk around the side. Take Evelyn Gregory, who became a flight attendant for US Air Express at age 71. After being rejected by three airlines, she accepted a job as a gate agent and let the corporate brass get to know her. Six months later, she was hired by US Air Express and flew for them for the next seven years.
- Remember that nothing you like to do is tiresome. From the outside looking in, it sounds daunting to go to medical school at 46, join the Peace Corps at 65, or become a flight attendant at 71. But the truth is that it isn't exhausting; it's exhilarating. It's far more tiring to do something you don't enjoy.
- Cultivate a sense of humor. Laugh often-especially at yourself. Researchers at Loma Linda University in California have discovered that laughter not only reduces stress and stimulates the immune system, but also lowers dopamine levels. (Dopamine governs our "fight or flight response.") In other words, a good laugh can ease the anxiety of risk-taking.
- Help other late bloomers to find their path in life. Reassure them that they are not left behind or less intelligent than other human beings. We're all worthy in this world and we all have a purpose.
Tips On How to Date Your Ex's Best Friend
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote
- Consider keeping your relationship private for a little while, if no one knows yet. You may need a little time to date without people judging you, especially if you and your ex are recently broken up.
- If you choose to go public, or if you're public already, keep your cool no matter what. This means that even if your ex were to call you and start yelling at you, you'd be cool as a cucumber.
- Try more one-on-one dates than double or group dates. This minimizes the risk of you two being all cozy and romantic in front of your surely jealous or aggravated ex.
- Above all, don't rub it in that you're dating your ex's best friend. He or she will probably be hurting from the breakup already, and it will probably hurt them even more if you begin dating their best friend. If they don't already know, don't alert it to them, but don't keep it a secret from them either.
Tips On How to Get a Really Cool Girlfriend if You Have Asperger Syndrome
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Saturday, October 8, 2011
- Look at people around you. They can really help teach you how to act.
- Apologize if there is a misunderstanding. They should understand.
- Don't laugh if you're not sure it's a joke.
- Don't be offended if people advise you on what to do and not to do. If they are you friend they are probably trying to help you out so you don't embarrass yourself in front of strangers or said girl.
- Wait a long time before you ask a girl out. You want to really know her first.
- Don't ask her out until you know she is single. So ask.
- If the girl has Asperger Syndrome then you two can have one more thing in common. However, two people with Aspergers don't always work it out.
- If you have a sister, let he know that you like a girl and ask if she can help you out. In many cases she can go and talk to the girl and scout out whether or not she is the girl for you (I do this all the time for my brothers and ADD friends). But do this only if you really trust your sister.
Tips On How to Flirt With a Pretty Girl
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote
- Try to get her to talk more about herself, and show interest in what she has to say. If you say, "What do you do in your free time?" she might say, "I like to edit on wikiHow." Then you might say, "What's that?" Then, let her talk while you nod, smile, say "yes," etc.
- No one is out of anyone's reach. It's all about timing, and proper procedure. If you begin a conversation with someone you are interested in, with confidence and be yourself. You may be surprised whom you can attract.
- When walking with her, give her a friendly hug goodbye or a high five, but hold it there a few seconds before letting go. Always ask her out first; guys should always make the first move.
- Strange as it may seem, some very pretty girls have never been flirted with or have had a boyfriend because other boys are just as nervous about talking to them as you are. Don't be scared off just because you're intimidated. Sometimes, these super popular girls are even lonely because they feel they have all these friends and no one wants to go out with her, so become her friend first and then move on to the flirting (don't stay her friend too long, though; she may worry a relationship may ruin a friendship); this way, you will not scare her off.
- Flirting is supposed to be fun, so the less stressed and more relaxed you are, the better. Be happy and enjoy the time you spend with a girl, even if nothing else comes of it.
- Remember, no matter if you are girl or boy, if you feel you just can't understand your 'flirtee' because of their gender, relax! Just about everyone feels this way. There's even a book making fun of this titled "Everything Men Know About Women." It's 120 pages long, and every single page, other than the front and back cover, is blank.
- If you ask a question like "So how's your boyfriend?", make it sound more only like a casual interest rather than an inquiry to check that she is free. If she says, "I don't have one", you're in! However, just remember that she might take offence to a question like that especially when she doesn't have a boyfriend.
- Be sure to use whatever makes you stand out to your advantage to help get her to notice you. Be funny, charming, a good dresser, etc.
- Be nicely groomed and brush your teeth. Make sure that you don't smell bad or wear too much cologne. You don’t want your cologne to be the ONLY thing she remembers! There’s definitely no need to overdo it. In fact, AXE recommends simply spraying under each arm and once across the chest (also known as PIT PIT CHEST!), that’s all you need to keep it fresh. This way, you’ll feel and smell your best, giving you the confidence to approach the girl and be yourself.
- After successfully getting the girl in a position where she will enjoy going on a date with you, ask her out.
- If the girl is very good looking, she may be so used to having guys flirt with her that it won't mean anything. Be cocky and funny. Poke fun at her a little bit and make her laugh. Don't be mean, but a little sarcasm here and there helps. The girl will feel like you are a challenge that needs to be conquered. Just keep it up, and soon you'll have her in your arms.
- A good cologne can make a guy irresistible. Use a little cologne or at least shampoo that smells good. Girls really notice how a guy smells. Just don't wear too much! Too much never smells good! Try stuff Girls love instead of all that car interior stuff, I know if a guy smelled like say strawberries, I would love it!
- Keep jumping from one topic to another while talking. Tell her some short wise and wonderful story if there is a long pause in the middle of your conversation.
- Girls like feeling warm and safe, so if it is cold and she doesn't have a jacket, hug her. Don't give her your jacket right away. Put your arm around her and huddle together, then offer the jacket. Keep hugging, and it might lead to a kiss. Hug tightly, but without choking her. If she looks upset, ask her what's wrong. After she tells you what's wrong, hug her. Tightly, but again, not choking her. This will make her feel safe.
- When or if you hug her, rub your hand gently up and down on her back. That will make the hug more meaningful.
- DON'T flirt with her then later ignore and forget about her, then start flirting with another girl. Girls absolutely HATE it when they're used like that. Keep an interest in her, at least.
- I love it when a guy makes eye contact. Hold it there for 2-4 seconds (long!) and if she looks dazed, that means she got lost in your eyes, and is into you. Do this once or twice a day.
- Keep eye contact at all times. If you have pretty eyes, she'll get lost in them, and your chances will shoot up tremendously. Likewise, if you're getting to know someone, and you're asking random questions about her (by the way, that's a good thing), you should try asking her if she can do this--and demonstrate crossing your eyes. Seriously, when a guy with gorgeous eyes did that to me, it totally worked!
- Some girls love sensitive guys, so maybe show her some of your sensitive side, and she'll go for you. But try not to be too sensative, or she'll think of you as someone else, if you know what I mean. Show her that you care about her and different things. And don't be a jerk. I know that's a 'well obviously!' thought, but sometimes guys forget that and it turns a girl off.
- Girls love hugs. I cannot stress how much they do. A nice, warm and friendly hug will do the trick. A minimum of 3 seconds at least, more would be better. Don't grip too tightly or too loosely. Relax yourself when you hug a girl, so you don't seem tense and nervous. Put your cheek against the side of their head (if you can), girls love that.
- Whenever they tell a joke, even if it's not funny, at least smile. You can tell them you thought it was stupid in a funny tone, but don't directly tell them it was bad. You'll look like a jerk.
- Make very casual, but meaningful, compliments even if you're not all that close. These can sometimes be turned into questions. For example, she shows that she can bench more than you can, so you can ask, "Geez, when did you get so strong?" She'll appreciate it, and it may lead to a conversation.
- Some girls get confused when you mention something about you liking them, then you take it back, especially if you continue to cycle between these two assertions. Go for the girl! She might like you on the inside and she's playing hard to get. Never tell anyone else you have a crush on the girl, not even your best friend. Secrets leak out eventually.
- Sit close to her but don't breathe down her neck. Two chairs side-by-side are all that are needed. You might also be able to sit behind her and at times hit her hair a time or two. She'll turn around if she feels you, then make a joke that she finds humorous.
- If you're going to poke her and try to be cute, do it only once or twice. Doing it much more than that will really annoy her, and she will think of you as a pest!
- Make jokes about yourself. For example, if you have done something like ripped your trousers make sure she knows and laughs about it with you. Get her to make it yours and her little secret, this makes her think that you trust her more.
- If she made a mistake or a flaw may be a accident and she blushes, say to her never mind and don't make her feel humaliated. Always try to cover for her mistakes and show her that you care and that you will be there by her side every time that she needs assistance and that she can have someone to lean on.
Tips On How to Be Popular in Middle School for Girls
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- Popularity can be a flimsy thing. Watch your back, at all costs. All of these friends that you love, and have worked so hard to get can be taken away from you at anytime. All it takes is one snide comment or one dirty rumor.
- If you don't feel comfortable about this, then don't do it.
- Don't be "Whatever" to everyone, just because their doing that to you.
- Try not to look as if you're trying too hard. You might get the comments of a 'poser' or 'wannabe'.
- Don't be mean, no one likes these people.
- Dating can be so much fun, but don't take it too seriously. Boys at middle school age are just boys. Treating adolescent relationships like you're in your mid-twenties will cause an unnecessary heartbreak, and wasted time. No boy is worth crying over.(Don't worry if you already made that mistake, because things always turn out okay!)
- Realize that everyone strives for the popular spot. All you need to do is be very social, be in the right group of friends, and believe in yourself.
- It's still corny, but be yourself.
- Have good hygiene. No one wants to hang out with someone who is dirty or that smells.
- Don't be shy. Start talking to people and if one person doesn't like you, that doesn't mean everyone's going to be like that.
- Try to fit in but also try and be yourself and not someone else just because you think you'll fit in.
- Try not to behave nervously around the popular people at your school, because if you act that way around just one person, that popular person will tell all of their friends that you are not popular material.
- Dress appropriately. Don't wear tight clothing. Showing cleavage makes you look desperate! Short shorts and camisoles are not proper on middle schools campuses. Remember, boys' hormones are raging, and inappropriateness does NOT lead to popularity! Even if the "cool" kids say it does!
- Believe in yourself
- Do not make friends with the wrong people or be pressurized into doing anything you are not comfortable with. This could earn you a bad reputation, and prevent you from making genuine friends.
- Be confident and you will get your opportunity.
- Be positive, don't have a negative attitude. Stay fun and enjoy yourself, but don't go overboard.
- Don't be afraid to branch out, make as many friends as possible and yes that includes people in other grade levels!!!
- Don't do drugs or have sex ( which I hope hasn't even crossed your mind!)This ISN'T cool! IT risks your life! Just because the 'cool' people do it, don't even dare to put you at risk or 9 months of work that may be a miscarriage.
- Have good posture; keep your back straight.
- Try wearing skinny jeans, which looks great on both guys and girls. You can even try different colors. Be bold! Be who you want (but don't overdo it!).
- Also check out some cute purses, which can be a replacement for a backpack. I would recommend a bigger purse, so you can put books in it.
- It's a good idea to stay clear of acne. Wash your face every morning and every night.
- Sure, people compliment you when you look great, but eventually they will get used to your style. Shake it up a bit every once in a while, but don't get too crazy, or people will think you're trying WAAAAAY too hard.
- Try not to over do it with your looks. Because people can make rumors or call you really mean names that are just not true.
Tips On How to Become a Pick Up Artist
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote
- Always remain positive. There is no use in being negative or giving up because you messed up.
- Have fun learning! Picking up women should never be a chore.
- Make friends with others in your situation, and go out together. It's amazing what two friends helping each other can do.
Tips On How to Tell if a Tomboy Likes You
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote
- Follow girl tips.
- Look at ways to http://www.wikihow.com/Attract-a-Tomboy - make a tomboy like you and follow a few of the rules. See how she responds.
- Keep in mind that all girls are different.
- They will probably lie to you if you ask them about it. See if they blush.
- Eye contact.
- A tomboy will act a little girlier when she likes you.
Tips On How to Get the Right Man
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Friday, October 7, 2011
Outlined below are the exact steps you need to make yourself into a vibrant, interesting, fun person; help attract the man of your dreams; and help him commit to you. Please be patient and receptive. Even if some ideas are "old news" to you, you will certainly learn a thing or two by the time you finish reading! Make sure you do not dismiss these ideas off hand. Each one of these steps have been done by many, many women before you successfully. Give each tip at least 1-2 months of HONEST effort before dismissing it. There are mainly three ways how a man chooses a particular woman, these are: preset preferences, desire for you, and/or feelings for you (woman). How does one get one or two of these?
- Ask him what he wants out of life.
- How does he plan on accomplishing those goals?
- What is he going to do to accomplish those goals?
- Do his goals fit in with your goals?
- Read the book "Men are from Mars / Women are from Venus" together. The name sounds lame, but it is a very enlightening book.
- Use every opportunity you get to learn more about him.
- Resources: Internet authors: Christian Carter; Rori Raye; Carol Allen.
- Resources: Books: "Why Men Love Bitches," by Sherry Argov.
- Read the book: "Secrets of the Ultimate Husband Hunter: How to Attract Men, Enjoy Dating and Recognize the Love of Your Life" by Nancy Nichols
Tips On How to Act Around a Guy You Like
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- Never take your friends with you, when you are trying to impress a boy!,
- Never act as if you're better than him, or that he's completely out of your league, and try not to look desperate. Be yourself.
- Use good hygiene, and look presentable: brush your teeth, shampoo your hair, avoid food stains.
- Avoid being clingy - if you'd be annoyed by someone texting you every ten minutes or keeping their arm fixed around your waist, don't do it to him.
- Act and dress in your comfort zone. Guys notice when you are uncomfortable.
- If he starts to like you, play it cool. Don't get all excited telling everyone.
- Be his friend. If he doesn't accept you as a friend, your relationship won't work well. Offer advice and be there for him.
- Don't play "hard to get." This might send a wrong message and stop him from being interested. But give him space.
- If he happens to have a girlfriend or ex-girlfriend, be careful. Try to become friends with the girl, so that you won't have her eyeballing you every time you talk to him. 'If this is a girlfriend and not an ex, tread lightly when flirting with him.'
- If you are already friends, but not best friends, try asking him to a movie and if he says yes then try to sit next to him. If he tries putting his arm around you, don't freak out, this means he likes you, so move in a little bit more and put your head on his shoulder.
- Don't call him that night or the next morning. At least wait a day and a half, 'unless' he tells you when to call.
- If he asks for your number (and you just met) give him your cell-phone number. (Don't ever give him your home phone number! Your cell is easier to get to. Besides, you don't him accidentally calling your parents when he thinks you're home, do you?)
- If you're already best friends (for a long period of time) then ask him about his ideal girlfriend. Just don't say it in a prodding "I wanna know what you like in a woman" way. Say something like "who's the best looking actress you've seen?" When he answers, ask why. That will` give you a good idea of what he likes in a woman.
- Try to go beyond being a friend so he'll be able to think of you beyond that.
- When you are with him flirt by laughing at any jokes EVEN if they are not funny
- Give him a gentle but beautiful smile, bite your lip, and look down.
- Try tilting your head slightly to the side. And crossing your legs towards him.
- Don't cross your arms or be so stiff. Relax.
- Eye contact is the best way to draw his attention; if one of you catches the other staring, try to hold his gaze for a second or two. Look down and flick your eyes up at him. One more trick is to hold his gaze, flick your eyes away quickly, then slowly look back.
- Try to build trust with him. That way, you'll both be less worried about cheating or other relationship pitfalls.
- Don't become too scared. Confidence, confidence, confidence!
- Make sure one of your friends doesn't like him; this causes trouble for you getting him, and more importantly, drama between you and your friend. Take it up with her.
- Don't dramatize everything in life. A guy likes someone calm and collected. Funny and all that yeah, but not exaggerated. Thats fake.
- Remember the big things. Remember things such as his birthday. He'll think you really care about him and will know you're interested.
- Don't follow the guy around too much! That will lead the guy to the impression that you're stalking him. You're goal is to get the guy to come to you. If you don't back away from him, he will back away from you.
Tips On How to Get an Emo Girlfriend
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- Know the popular bands and music.
- Emo girls love romantic guys. What kinds of guys do you think are in the novels and poems they read and write? Good gift ideas once you're dating are black roses, handwritten love poems with quotes from their favorite songs, it's all good.
- Don't be a jerk! Emos hate people like that. They'd rather date a shy and modest quiet guy than a loud and obnoxious guy who everyone thinks is sooooo cool.
- Don't be afraid to show your emotions. Don't just start crying for no reason but if you hide your emotions and don't talk about how you feel, you'll never make it with an emo girl. After all emo is short for emotional.
- Sometimes if you like a girl, you feel shy towards them. It's ok to feel shy, But don't avoid them, or make large detours to avoid them. Its obvious why...
Tips On How to Ask a Waitress Out
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- Get to know her, and make sure she knows you! Waitresses are hit on a lot, and while they're always friendly about it, they probably will turn you down if they don't know you well.
- Try to be clever. She's been talking about the weather all day. Try to talk about something you think may be genuinely interesting.
- Leave your number on a 20 pound note, or include it in a note you've written on a napkin. If this doesn't work, you'll save yourself from potential embarrassment, and if it does, she might give you a call. This does not lead to you getting married.
- Don't stand up and walk towards her; it may become awkward as she may go to move one way at the same time as you do and you will be stuck in the hallway.
- When writing a note to her, use a clean napkin.
Tips On How to Prevent Date Rape
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- Trust your instincts! If you feel uncomfortable in any way DO NOT TRY TO NORMALIZE IT! Tell your date you are sick and about to vomit, or get out of the situation some way. Never doubt your instincts or say you are misjudging him/her. Many look back and realize they had uncomfortable feelings before something bad happened.
- Keep your wits about you- stay sober.
- Go to parties with a sober friend or a designated observer who is not drinking, who can watch and protect you.
- Always carry your own car keys to get away and use as weapons.
- Bring emergency cash for a cab ride home and don't spend it. You may need it for other situations, like being dumped on the roadside or something. If in a foreign country, always possess the name, front desk phone number and your hotel address, (but never your room number) written in a language the cabbie will know. Leave information about where you'll be, with whom, and when you should return to your room- and how someone might find you.
- If you absolutely must, disable a would-be-rapist so that you can escape (see related wikiHows).
- Be cautious of large punch bowls or drinks served by others as drugs are easily slipped into them.
- Open your drinks yourself, and don't share drinks.
- If they have any sexually oriented items that make you feel uncomfortable, don't say anything. Just get out of there!
- Don't go out with strangers.
- Call your parents if you are stranded somewhere- or a friend who will help. What's the worst thing you parents can do compared to being raped, killed, or any other unfortunate things? Never feel that you can't call a parent or a close friend.
- Place several people that love you and would answer and respond to your calls on speed dial. Then, if you are ever in a compromising situation, just hit one number and call without anyone knowing.
- If the worst should happen, get to the nearest emergency room immediately. Do not bathe, change your clothes or wait until morning. This could compromise or destroy evidence that you were raped and make it much more difficult for the authorities to build a case against your assailant. Physical evidence is your greatest weapon against the person who hurt you.
- Do not wait to tell someone what happened to you. Do so immediately. It can be extremely painful to recount the incident so soon after it happened, but the longer you wait, the greater the danger of it becoming a "he said/she said" situation, especially if your assailant is famous or well-respected in the community.
Tips On How to Find the Right Guy
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Tuesday, October 4, 2011
- If the date is a total bomb, then bow out. Don't suffer through it, but politely excuse yourself from the date and don't make plans for another!
- Be Honest and open! Honesty is the number one most important thing in any relationship. And true, if you're breaking up with a few of the men they might be hurt, but they would rather hurt for a day or two, then stay in a relationship that is based upon false emotions.
- Don't cancel them out on the first date unless something totally inappropriate happens. Love needs a chance to grow, and that wont happen if you cancel out Bill from accounting just because he's got those out of date glasses.
- If you don't want a guy that drinks, don't look in the bar!
- When looking for love, you need to look for the person on the inside, not the person on the outside. In this world today we focus too much on physical appearance. Bill from accounting with the old glasses might be your prince charming if you can get past the shallow tendency to look only at physical appearance. We girls like to have it all, and well, guys aren't that good at giving it to us, but they mean well, and they try so hard.
- IMPORTANT! When you find the right guy, don't get involved with sexual activity, unless you know all the risks involved
Tips On How to Make the Popular Guy Want You
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- Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. But don't force anything; stay yourself.
- Be mature and act like a lady, but have lots of humor and a sense of adventure.
- Don't be fake, or lie about your life experiences. Definition of fake: trying to force a style/ habit/etc to appeal to others. Example: trying to use profane language when, in all honesty, you sound awkward because you never cuss.
- Have your own style, instead of copying other people's outfits. In other words, just buy what you like and disregard other people's styles.
- Be flirty, and ALWAYS go overboard.
- Don't call him all the time or he might start to dislike you because this can make you seem desperate. Remember, most guys want what they can't have; but don't make it too hard for him to catch you. when it comes to calls, texts, e-mails, old-fashioned letter, (whatever) let HIM come to YOU. When you're ALWAYS the one to start the convo a guy gets into his head that he doesn't have to chase you down- you're always there. So he takes you for granted, and leaves you for some other girl- one that takes 4 days to answer his telegraphs, as opposed to .001 seconds (you).
- Become friends with his friends. A guy's friends can say a lot about him, though; if his friend's are asswipes, there's a good chance hes a asswipe as well.
- Be yourself!
- If the guy is making fun of you for some reason he could possibly like you!(but if hes ugly, i wouldn't take any chances..)and play along but DONT let him deeply scar you, tell him when its not cool, show him you DO in fact have some self respect.
- Laugh at all his jokes even if there not as funny as yours ;) but DON'T be that girl who just twists her hair and smiles all giddy. Is this cute? Sure. Is it an act lacking dignity and making you appear incredibly unintelligent? Ofcourse it is. (So don't overdo it!!!)
- If he starts to like you just smile and just show that you feel good about yourself and that your proud of yourself and stuff :)
- You don't have to become friends with the popular girls if there being mean to you and if it's still the beginning(when you start to change like the steps)and they ask you to hang out just say that you have plans, but if he's gonna be there, then go. He should support you.
Tips On How to Get Ready for a First Date (Teen)
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- There is something important you need to understand: Keep calm. You will be nervous, and unsure of yourself, but never lose the inner confidence you know you have. Also, remember not to have too much mentally invested in this date. Even though you may really like this person, don't assume it's essential to have a successful date. In other words, when people say don't look too desperate, what they mean is don't feel desperate because that should not be the reason you are going out with this person in the first place.
- Smile, but not too much, and try to really mean it.
- Talk about things that actually interest you, and have something to do with them. Let them talk, or if they're just shy, help carry on the conversation lively but politely.
- Be yourself, it's cheesy but if you want a chance with them...
- Don't spill your guts out at him on the first date, don't be too intimidating and don't try hard-to-get on a date. I mean he already asked you out and you accepted, there's nothing hard-to-get about it.
- Keep your cool, but laugh when needed and respond to things they say.
- If they're a jerk, or you just don't seem to click, relax just live though this date, and say to yourself if you hate it this much there just won't be a next time.
- Don't lead them on, if you're not interested in going out with them again, or even a good night kiss. Act like friends, and if they say anything awkward about loving you tell them politely and gently the feeling just isn't mutual.
- Make body language, smile when they say something cute, accidentally bump knees or brush against each others hand... but don't go over-board and make it seem almost accidentally and cute. Don't be all over them, and don't make yourself look desperate.
- Don't text during the date, especially not behind their back. If you know you're gonna have a busy phone that night, turn it off. It's not polite, and it's annoying to the guy. If you must make an emergency phone call, excuse yourself, go to the bathroom, and make the call. Try not to make it last for more than a few minutes or else your date is going to wonder what you're doing.
- Don't be afraid to eat in front of them. It shows self-confidence and laid-back qualities, something most people think is a turn-on. But don't stuff your face either, and try to not order the quarter pounder special at burger king when they ordered a small salad from the organic bar.
- Be confident, tell yourself they accepted/asked you there. Meaning they liked you for who you are, even before this date.
Tips On How to Prepare For a Date
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- Relax, be yourself, and be confident. More specifically, in addition to "being confident," you should "know your success" (success breeds confidence). Instead of "being yourself," try "being your best self".
- Sometimes even with the best preparation, your date might turn out awful. You may wish to have a "back out plan" in case this happens. Find a good friend you can call and then he/she can call you back in a few minutes so you can say you have some sort of crisis you need to attend to. You could also try being an honest person and say that you don't think it's working out, and that you need to leave early. Be prepared to contribute to the date and excuse yourself.
- For a first date its a good idea to have a lunch date instead of a dinner date. That way, if you have an awful time at least you didn't waste a whole evening.
- Bring a condom. Whether you plan to use it or not, it is better to be prepared than to end up with responsibilities you didn't want. But, remember that you don't have to have sex.
- When getting ready to go on that first date there are many things to consider. First of all there are the questions about where to go, what to wear, transportation, etc.
- Make sure you plan what you're going to wear and always make an effort, there's no second chance to make a first impression on your date.
Tips On How to Date a Man with Kids
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- Be honest with yourself. Sure, the guy is great and you guys have the best time, but if kids are not your thing and you can't overcome and try - it is ok to feel that way.
- Talk it out. Talk with your man, your friends, or blog. Sometimes getting the feelings and fears out will make you feel better.
- Any man that you fear telling your friends and family about is probably a man you know isn't good for you.
Tips On How to Date an Aries Female
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Thursday, September 29, 2011
- Aries women aren't terribly materialistic, but they do appreciate the gesture of a gift as much as the next woman. However, your best bet is to get her something associated with her newest obsession, rather than the ubiquitous jewelry or chocolates. Don't worry, you'll know what the obsession is, if you've been listening. She'll talk your ear off about it for months.
- In the first place if an Aries man or woman has lost her love for you, it's because they either felt unloved, unappreciated, or got betrayed...any of which will hurt them in a deep way.
- It will take a lot to win back an Aries trust once you hurt them badly even if they are one to forgive and forget. If an Aries is deeply hurt they will become cold, so you'll have to work to warm them up. Send them music or flowers. Aries are romantic people who love the attention. Write to them, show them how much they mean to you, and hit them in the heart by doing something sentimental or romantic.
- Make them laugh, flatter them, and smile with them. Be affectionate: that will warm them up.
- Work on building back their trust, without them trusting you they will not respect you the way they use to.
- Aries also love 'the chase' but won't chase unless they are fully sure of the relationship in hand. Don't take that for granted either, because if they feel they are not appreciated, they will walk away from the chase and eventually, the relationship just as quickly. Once an Aries becomes distant, it's hard for them to come back to you because we see you as an experience that failed. You were the one that we thought would be our other half (our soul-mate). After that, they will just go in search of another mate and in soon time we will forget about you.
- Go to their places, bump into them if possible and show affection, make them laugh, tell them you miss them, you trust them, and be open with them. They will appreciate it more than you think.
- Aries are free spirit people. If you have their hearts, you have it for a reason.
- Always remember: with Aries "actions speak louder than words".
- A shy Aries will act dumb sometimes, so the conversation doesn’t feel awkward or to question if you are sincere and loyal towards them. These are very cautious types because when an Aries falls in love, they really fall hard. Aries, shy or otherwise, will be blunt to a point to seem humorous.
- They can be secretive too, which explains why Aries are hard to figure out at times. But, as they are forthright by nature they can't keep secrets for long.
- Be tender and patient with an Aries and gratitude will soon follow.
- Be honest, communicative, and experimental in the bedroom with an Aries woman and you will be well rewarded.
Tips On How to Date a Man with Kids
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- Be honest with yourself. Sure, the guy is great and you guys have the best time, but if kids are not your thing and you can't overcome and try - it is ok to feel that way.
- Talk it out. Talk with your man, your friends, or blog. Sometimes getting the feelings and fears out will make you feel better.
- Any man that you fear telling your friends and family about is probably a man you know isn't good for you.
Tips On How to Date a Stoner
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- Not all stoners are boring and/or irresponsible, and some can be great fun to be around.
- Don't allow your partner to drive unless you are absolutely sure he or she is not intoxicated.
- If you find yourself worried about your partner's drug use, talk to them about it.
- If you find you get bored when your partner and his friends are getting stoned, then take homework/magazines/videos
- Knowledge is power. Learn about drug use. (Suggestion: Learn about drug history and how it has influenced drug laws)
- Don't assume that you know why your partner chooses to use a controlled substance; there are many reasons which can differ from individual to individual. If you are interested in understanding the motivation behind your partner's marijuana use (recreational, medicinal, escape, etc.), try to discuss it with them in an open and non-judgmental manner.
Tips On How to Play Hard to Get
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- Follow these steps to find a good balance when playing hard to get, and remember, dating is not an exact science; it's more of a game, with lots of guesswork, self-confidence, and risk-taking involved.
- Don't approach this from the mindset of playing hard to get. Instead know you're awesome. Be hard to get.
- Suggested lines for excusing yourself from a date or meet-up (be polite is always the first rule!):
- "Love to but I'm already booked solid."
- "Great idea, maybe this time next week. I'm off camping 200 miles west this weekend. Been looking forward to this off road unicycle expedition for six months!"
- "I've got exams next Tuesday, and a whole lot of cramming this weekend!"
- "I'm flattered but I'm really busy right now making the most of the powder! Maybe later when the snow's melted?"
- "That's really kind of you. It's just that - I don't want to go, it's not my scene." This kind of honesty can be extremely sincere provided you mean it, and it can alert the other person to your boundaries again, without making them feel that it's personally directed at them.
Tips On How to Spot a Gold Digger
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- Give them a piece of rope and see if they "hang themselves" with it. The next time you go out, give them a credit card so they can purchase a nice outfit. Gold-diggers will "hang" themselves by purchasing more than an outfit with the credit card you have given the[2]
- Gold diggers can be business partners as well.
- Protect yourself by maintaining your financial independence. Keep your own bank accounts and approach joint accounts and credit cards with extreme caution.
- If this person complains that you don't ever do anything nice anymore, think of 2-3 inexpensive dates and one expensive one and see what your date says. A gold digger will reliably pick out the most expensive one, every time.
- Once a physical relationship has started, a gold digger will usually not engage in "physical" activities unless given incentive i.e. taken on a date, given a gift, etc.
- It's always a good idea to check court records to see if the gold-digger has been divorced. You can learn a lot by reading their complaint, motions and responses, etc. Don't simply rely on 'their side' of the story.
- Have you met their family? You can learn a lot from people close to them.
- Watch other people's reactions when they hear you've been out with someone or spending time with someone. Often, others will attempt to subtly let you know through reactions and comments that the person is a gold digger.
- Most people don't want to be obliged or beholden to others for large sums of money. A gold digger doesn't have to be prompted twice to take a "loan" from you. Think about what makes sense: would you open up to someone you just met about your financial woes? Would you take a loan from a guy or girl you've been out with once? Probably not, but a gold digger is looking for his or her next "sugar daddy/mama" at all times.
- Gold diggers tend to name-drop and it's a red flag.
Tips On How to Romantically Hug a Guy
Posted by Insurance Auto|New York Mesothelioma Lawyers|Car Free Insurance Online Quote on Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Hugs aren't like kisses. They don't require you to perform, or be on your game. It's a simple, but yet memorable way to show you care.
- Romantic hugs don't happen after you've just done an hour long work out. Shower and smell nice. You are going to be next to him for a long time so you don't want how you smell to push him away.
- Smelling also goes for your breath. Make sure it's clean. Chewing gum works, but don't chew it like a cow. That ruins the mood.
- Last but not least, hugging can lead to some phenomenal kissing.
- After you've master the basic romantic hug, try a few of these.
- Pull him closer and closer until you are flat against him. Yes this is a very strong pull. Don't stay in this position forever, but it's a good way to intensify the hug for a few seconds.
- Squeeze him tighter and tighter.
- Rest your head against his chest.
- Run your hands down his neck and spine.
- Trace circles with your fingertips.
- Rub his back. Start giving him a little back massage.
- Run your fingers gently down his back to his hip line. (Be careful with this one. If you hands go near his hip line, you may just end up turning him on. If you want to do that then use this at will, otherwise watch your hands a little.)
- Run two fingers slowly along the back waistband of his pants through his shirt (this works better for standing-up hugs). If both of you are still comfortable at this point, push his shirt up gently until you can touch the skin above his waistband. (Same warning as above. Are you trying to turn him on?)
- Enjoy the moment--don't rush through it.
- Don't be afraid to ask him if he likes what you are doing, ask him what he likes & whether you should intensify or soften your hug!
Tips On How to Meet Girls Online
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- You will find excellent, amazing online dating tips here
- Have you tried a bar first? As in in real life? It might be quicker.
- Meetup.com is an excellent site for finding women with common interests and meeting them in real life, plentyoffish.com is good too.
- Get a web-cam and you can chat in real time.
- Online dating takes on many forms these days, many niche markets are catered for so look around at the different options and test a few out. There are adult, mainstream, gay, lesbian, christian, senior and community type dating sites. Evaluate what you need before you sign up on any dating site.
- Social networking, activity partnering sites are also a good way to meet people with similar interests. Activities, hobbies shared serve as icebreakers and provide the reassurance that interests are more than skin deep.
Tips On How to Date a Stripper
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- Befriend the dancer first. Most dancers dislike the managers and have their favorites among the bouncers. If you befriend the dancers first, you don't have to worry about being one those "creepy" pals of the manager.
- Don't ask them for their phone numbers or real names right away. Let them give it to you when it's the right time. Give them yours instead.
- The best chance of dating a stripper is when you meet them outside the club--at the gym, a concert, the store, etc. As has been said, some strippers won't date any customers; some strippers will 'hook up' but not date a very attractive customer, and some strippers will occasionally date a customer they find attractive.
- Don't be drunk at the club where she dances. Dress nicely and make sure you smell good.
- If you are having a relationship with a stripper, stay out of the club she's in. Jealousy tends to rear its head, even though the stripper is on the job and needs to do the 'hustle' in order to get an income. She may also feel jealous if you flirt or purchase dances from other strippers. The last thing a stripper needs is relationship issues coming into her workplace.
Tips On How to Get a Date in Middle School
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- Try not to be scared every time you see her I mean, it is your crush, you want to be with them, right?!
- When you tease your crush, make it a bit flirty. Never make him/her think you are making fun of them.
- Stay calm, no matter what.
- If you don't know what you're doing, act confident and pretend to know what you're doing.
- Don't be afraid and listen to their needs.
- Don't talk about past relationships.
- The biggest barrier to break is the touch barrier. If you break it, it all gets better from there. Even if it is just a friendly hug, it is still nice.
- If your crush likes one of your friends, don't try to be like them to get your crush to like you because you are not them; you are who you are.
Tips On How to Succeed at Online Dating
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There are a lot of dating tips about how to present your interests so that you can be matched up with someone of similar interests. Of all the dating tips I have ever seen the best ones always talk about being yourself and listing all of your interests and not just the mainstream ones . If you like walking through graveyards at night then you may want to list that, because at some point all of your interests will come out to the person you are dating. One of the best dating tips you can be given is to outline everything right up front so that there are no major surprises later on in the relationship.
Tips On How to Act on a Movie Date
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- Be early, you don't want to have her hanging around. 5 or 10 minutes should be enough. But remember, on first dates, women usually do turn up a little bit late, because they always take forever, or like to make you stress. So if she's 15 minutes late, don't panic! Just get a coffee at a nearby coffee shop and wait casually. What's the rush?
- If you want to kiss your date just tilt your head a little bit and give a peck on the lips. (If it is a first date, there is no need to get all hot and heavy at the movies. There will be plenty of time for that later).
- If you're not sure if you should kiss her or not just look into her eyes, and if she keeps the stare lean closer to her. If she moves closer to you, then make your move and kiss her (but not a French kiss or anything, a simple kiss on the lips will do; then she will hold your hand and never let go of it!).
- If it's a first date and other people in the cinema are making out around you and you both notice then your eyes meet in the middle. If you've broken the touch barrier move in for a short kiss but if you've not and it seems appropriate just laugh at the situation together. If she likes you and you're connected enough she will laugh and know why you're laughing. It will ease the tension and you won't look like you've chickened out of the kiss. If she leans in though and you're ready then take the opportunity as it comes because it may not happen again for a while. If you're not ready just smile and turn away but turn back and just tell her you're not ready. She'll understand and you won't have ruined your chances at further opportunities however you may have to make the first move next time.
- If you like to get something to eat, get Junior Mints! They're tasty, and won't get stuck in your teeth like popcorn.. and they don't leave a bad aftertaste. If you plan to kiss, Do not get onions or relish or anything if you feel the need to have a hot dog. This is just gross, and may disgust your date.
- No matter what bring gum or mints. It's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.